Two New Digital Stories

Here are two new digital stories that I’ve created in the last week: Driving and Gardener. Wow, as I look at those titles, I’m struck by how boring (utilitarian) they sound. Oh well, for some reason (maybe as a form of resistance to my academic training, where elaborate, multi-clause titles are the norm?), I like pithy, almost generic, titles.

Driving is inspired by footage I shot on my recent trip, with FWA, RJP and STA, to Utah and Arizona. It’s primarily a reflection on family vacations and how my understandings (and experiences) of them have changed since I was a kid.

Gardener was shaped around 1992 footage of my mom giving a tour of her amazing Iowa garden. I decided to create it now because I’m fed up with winter (yes, here in Minneapolis it’s still snowing…today…right now…until tomorrow) and needed to think about spring and gardens and things that are warm and green.

I like posting these on my trouble blog because I’m trying to practice my own forms of making and staying in trouble through digital storytelling. What do you think?