oh bother, part 3

-1While skimming through a magazine this morning, I found this *wonderful* image. Quick, when you look at it, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? And how does it fit with the text? What exactly are they trying to sell here? Oh bother! Since I haven’t done one of these “oh bother!” entries for a couple of weeks, check here for a reminder on how they work.

oh bother, part 2

This is the second in my ongoing series of events/ideas/objects that make me say, “oh bother!” As a reminder, here is the purpose of these brief entries (you can also find this explanation at the end of my about the categories post here:

This category will include anything that I find particularly reprehensible, repulsive, or just plain annoying. The term, bother, has been one that I have adopted as of late in order to stop saying f**k (which is a favorite word of mine) in front of my highly impressionable kids (who are 3 and 6). Any resemblance to Winnie the Pooh’s catch-phrase is purely coincidental. (Don’t get me wrong, I really like classic Winnie the Pooh. But, somehow, I don’t think Pooh meant “oh bother” in the same spirit that I do.) Like I said, I started uttering “oh bother” about a year ago when my kids got old enough to understand and repeat inappropriate words. It seems rather fitting to use this phrase in relation to making/staying in trouble. After all, to be bothered by something is another way of being troubled by it, right? To bother someone is to trouble them, right? To be in a state of botherment (is this a word?) is to be in a state of trouble. This category is different from my other categories. The “oh bother” examples are meant to be analyzed by you, dear reader, and not me. I want to know what you think about these examples. Perhaps the “oh bother” is a request or a command–as in, (won’t you please) bother these examples for me because I can’t or don’t want to.

Check out this news article about Harvard Professor Gates being arrested for breaking and entering into his own home. I first heard about it on facebook and then saw this blog entry about it on Angry Black Woman via Alas a blog. Words cannot express how much this bothers me. What about you?

oh bother, part 1

I am starting a new category this morning called “oh bother.” This category will include anything that I find particularly reprehensible, repulsive, or just plain annoying. The term, bother, has been one that I have adopted as of late in order to stop saying f**k (which is a favorite word of mine) in front of my highly impressionable kids (who are 3 and 6).

Have you seen the promo for More to Love? No? Well, here you go (and down below too!). Enjoy!

All I have to say is, “OH BOTHER!” There is much to say about why this show is a problem (and perhaps a little about why it might possibly have just a tiny bit of good deep within it), but I simply can’t be bothered to respond. It just bothers me too much. I would rather leave it to Kathleen LeBesco, Big Fat Blog, and you. Seriously, I would love to read your reactions to this promo. Go ahead, tell me why I should or shouldn’t bother.